
2022-03-21 10:16:35 | 浏览次数:

摘 要 连作障碍严重威胁中国胡椒优势种植区可持续发展,而土壤微生物多样性下降、群落结构失衡是连作障碍形成的重要原因之一。为了探明胡椒连作障碍与微生物多样性及群落结构变化之间的关系,揭示胡椒连作障碍形成的微生物机理,本文采用BIOLOG微平板法研究了海南万宁8、18和28 a 3种不同种植年限胡椒园土壤微生物群落功能多样性和群落结构变化。结果表明:随种植年限增加,不同园块之间稳定并达到最大的平均吸光度值(AWCD)呈明显下降趋势;香农指数、香农均匀度等多样性指数亦随种植年限增加呈显著下降趋势,而辛普森优势度指数无显著性差异;微生物群落结构随着年限增加出现了2次明显变化,第1次群落结构变化发生在8~18 a阶段,主要与酚酸类和多聚物类碳源利用微生物大幅减少有关,第2次则发生在18~28 a阶段,与碳水化合物类、氨基酸类、羧酸类和胺类相关利用微生物减少有关。因此,胡椒连作显著降低了土壤中微生物多样性,改变了微生物群落结构,是胡椒连作障碍形成的重要原因之一。

关键词 胡椒;连作障碍;BIOLOG;微生物功能多样性;微生物群落结构

中图分类号 S182 文献标识码 A

Abstract Consecutive monoculture induces black pepper(Piper nigrum L.)poor growth, low yield, and serious soil-borne disease, thus becomes one of the most serious threats to the sustainable development of black pepper industry in China. To investigate its microbiological formation mechanisms, the soil samples from black pepper orchards with consecutive monoculture for 8, 18 and 28 years were analyzed by using the BIOLOG EcoPlates method and the responses of soil microbial functional diversity and community structure to different planting ages were demonstrated as follow. It revealed that average well color development(AWCD)obviously decreased with increasing planting duration. The same tendency was also demonstrated in soil microbial diversity indices, such as Shannon index, Shannon evenness index and Simpson index. In addition, the utilization of carbon sources by soil microbes from different planting duration showed significantly different. For example, the utilization rates of phenolic compounds and polymers obviously decreased during the period from the 8 th year to the 18th year and those of carbohydrates, amino acids, carboxylic acids and amines obviously decreased from the 18th year to the 28th year, which indicating the soil microbial community structure experienced two obvious changes with planting duration increasing. Furthermore, the principal component analysis(PCA)also showed the soil samples from the three planting duration were clearly separated from each other. These results suggested that consecutive monoculture of P. nigrum L. could decrease soil microbial activity and diversity, change the soil microbial community.

Key words Black pepper(Piper nigrum L.); obstacle of consecutive monoculture; BIOLOG analysis; soil microbial functional diversity; community structure

doi 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2017.07.010

胡椒(Piper nigrum L.)是世界古老而著名的香料,具有較高经济价值。据统计,2015年中国胡椒产业产值已超30亿元,其种植、生产和加工已成为热区100多万农民脱贫致富的特色作物产业[1]。受气候条件限制,中国胡椒主要集中在海南东部,种植面积和产量均占全国的90%以上,种植历史已达数十年。由于胡椒为多年生藤本植物,种植需以水泥柱或石柱作为支撑物,因而新垦胡椒园需要大量投入,这也造成种植时多以单一园块连续种植为主。近年来,随着种植年限增加,以单一连作为主要模式的海南优势种植区逐步出现连作障碍现象,表现为连作园补种幼苗生长缓慢,成龄植株长势弱,感病率增加,经济寿命缩短[2]。据调查,目前种植区内连续种植15 a以上的胡椒园约占50%,其中部分胡椒园甚至达到30~40 a,连作障碍已成为影响中国胡椒产业健康可持续发展的重要威胁之一[1-2]。

推荐访问: 群落 胡椒 作对 多样性 微生物