
2022-10-24 11:55:06 | 浏览次数:





  XXX(姓名),性别:XX,出生日期:XXXX 年 XX 月 XX 日,学号:XXXXXX,于 XXXX 年 XX 月入学,现就读于本校 XXXXXXXX 学院 XXXX 专业(本科)。按照国家标准该专业本科学制为四年,我校实行弹性学习年限,在校学习期限为三至六年。目前该生属于我校学生,处于在校学习的第 XX 年。


  xxx 大学教务处

 XXXX 年 X 月 X 日

  Beijing Jiaotong University


 This is to certify that Tang Jielin, male, born on 27 July 1981, student ID 88888888, has been enrolled as an undergraduate student since September 1999, and is majoring in the program of Automation in School of Electronics and Information Engineering. The program is a standard four-year program. According to the flexibility policy of Beijing Jiaotong University, the program can be accomplished in three years to six years. The student is currently studying in the fourth year.

 Office of Academic Affairs

 Beijing Jiaotong University

  People"s Republic of China

  November 27th, 2008

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