
2022-04-14 08:39:51 | 浏览次数:



中圖分类号:TP183      文献标识码:A      文章编号:1672-9129(2019)09-0001-04

Knowledge Representations and Applications in Deep Learning

Xiong Xiangquan1, Li Yifan1, Deng Wei1,2*, Zhang Qinghua2,3

(1. School of Statistics, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Sichuan Chengdu 611130)

(2. Chongqing Key Laboratory of Computational Intelligence, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065)

(3.School of Computer Science and Technology, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065)

Abstract: Now the difficulty of deep learning research lies in over-reliance on large-scale labeled data and difficulty in using prior knowledge. Knowledge graph as a powerful way of knowledge expression, provides the possibility for the integration of deep learning and knowledge. Based on the basic concept and recent research status, the survey of knowledge graph contributing to different deep learning structures is made in this paper. Firstly the representations and applications of knowledge graph in deep learning are classified. Secondly the methods of knowledge graph as training corpus and supervised models in deep learning are summarized. Thirdly the research progresses of using knowledge graph to improve the interpretation of deep learning are listed. Finally important research challenges and key issues are highlighted.

Key words: Knowledge Graph; Deep Learning; Model Interpretability



知识图谱最早是由谷歌公司于2012年提出 [1],旨在作为搜索引擎功能的知识库,提升搜索引擎性能。该技术用节点表示实体或概念,边则由属性或关系构成,旨在描述真实世界中存在的各种实体、概念及其关系,将大量知识构成一张巨大的语义网络图。近些年相关研究和应用层出不穷,包括电子商务、机器翻译、医疗健康、教育、旅游、聊天机器人、金融风控和推荐系统等,在日常生活中起到越来越大的作用。



1  知识图谱的表示学习

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